

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Women, be proud!

This week for Moorea Seal's List the theme was to list the things you should be proud of! As I was reading her post I was getting a little nervous. She had listed things I was afraid of! Dealing with death especially. I recently lost my mom to a long battle with cancer and I'm still having a hard time releasing a lot of emotions. It's too raw still and I'm okay with the time I spend focusing and not focusing on it. It suits me and where I am right now. 

Anyway after staring at my paper for a while I began. I'm sure this list could've turned out very different if I had done it another time, but I knew the next couple of days would be keeping me pretty busy and tonight some singing bowls on You-Tube and this list were calling my name. Here's my list, it's a little hard to read so I'm going to type it out too for those that are following along. I know I've really enjoyed reading the lists of other bloggers that are participating! 

I just started this blog, so please follow if you like any of my posts! <3

  • I hand-make
  • i support local businesses, artists, and markets
  • I don't waste a lot... repurpose countless items, love hand me downs, use up all my veggies/food, compost, don't buy or spend minimally
  • I took care of my mom til the last breath and loved.on.her. <3
  • I started learning self-sufficiency skills at an early age
  • I'm proud of my kitchen and the food I cook and bake in it daily
  • I quit my job to move to Maui for three months
  • I lived in Maui for three months!
  • I'm compassionate
  • I love.
  • I was always the nice kid in school and now I'm still kind to all I meet
  • I don't eat animals
  • I have a bachelors degree...mixed proud feelings about that one
  • I quit my job to move to the desert and start working for myself
  • The home I continue to create with my husband
  • The courage to stay true to myself and not worry about being judged
  • I don't hold grudges, I forgive easily
  • The amount of hate I have let go of in my life
  • I'm good at taking care of people
  • I'm proud of how I make my living
and a couple more I want to add!
  • Being a woman! 
  • I'm so proud of the journey I'm on and the people I am connecting with!
It's pretty late here and I think I'm going to leave it at that. Please comment if you'd like to hear more about any of the things I'm proud of! Is anything on my list something that you'd list too??


  1. Beautiful list!!! I am so sorry about your mother. I lost mine in 2007 after she broke her hip. She suffered for almost four years because she didn't believe in doctors and wouldn't let herself get taken care of. It was a very hard experience to go through. I still think about her, miss her and wonder what else we could have done together, what else she could have done if she was still alive (she was only in her early 60s when she passed and full of life.) I know it's hard. I wish you the best.

    1. My mom was 60 when she died, way too young for anyone! It's hard not thinking about all the what if's... Thanks for the comment and more importantly reading! <3 Happy Wednesday to you!

  2. Hi Sabrina,
    Just stumbled across the 52 Lists idea this morning ~ loved your list {smiled at your "I don't eat animals" ... me either ♥ :-)
    Hope you are having a wonderful Thursday.

  3. Great list. :) Hooray for composting and being minimal. From reading you list, you have a lot to be proud of. What stands out is what a kind and caring soul you have.

  4. you sound so very similar in spirit to me, I don't hold grudges either..such a waste of energy..and I used to be Vegan and then Vegetarian and now I'm pretty rubbish but I am striving to get back to feeling good about my body and what I eat. All our meat and veg is local and mostly organic but I still don't think it's right to eat meat...I need to work on that but it feels a lot more complicated now that I have a partner and kids! I'm sorry to hear about your mum, its so hard losing someone you love, my partner lost his mum to cancer 6 years ago and he went to live at home and nurse her in her last few months...I'm so glad he did. take care lovely xx

    1. What an amazing thing your husband did! Moments that can be so difficult, but you wouldn't change them in for anything... That's what it is to take care of a dying person. I've loved getting to know bits of you over on your blog <3

  5. Wonderful list! It takes a lot of courage to quit a job and move, and you did it twice. Yay for composting, repurposing and supporting the little guys.

    1. Ooh and hey... I knew the name sounded familiar!! I've seen you before! I vended at Community and you were there too a few months ago! <3 Am I right?
