

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

52 Lists: Goals & Dreams

I did make a list see! Although you probably can't really read it. I had a weird week. It's late wednesday night and I haven't felt like looking back at this list. I made it the day Moorea Seal posted list 4. It's not that it's a bad list! This weeks has been strange, that's all. The positives... Yoga stretches before bed for the last 5 nights. Charging precious stones under the moon. Cooking and baking a ton!! Although, I think I tend to do that when I'm hurt. It was fun though! I made pancakes at 4 pm, chocolate donuts for breakfast, tortillas, a pot of beans, sweet potatoes, roasted carrots, rice. The last few days I've just been cooking! A LOT! Truth is, I have been hurt by a friend. I thought I was stronger. I didn't think I could be hurt like this and I am. It reminds me of this. 
We learn lessons and then we learn them again. In a different way. I had forgot!! Their is no goal. No obstacle to overcome. I am on a path. I walk it and sometimes I fall. I'm learning every step of the way. I smile as I exhale and take my next step. 

Today was a really fine day indeed! <3 Took a morning trip to a thrift store and found a vintage coat I can't wait to share, but will be holding off on that for a little bit. Stay tuned! I came home and sewed my little heart away!!! I made some leggings. They are adorable and I refashioned sweaters to make them. I love finding new uses for things. Repurposing gets me excited! I changed up a tank top with some lace and I repurposed a gray hooded jacket to make my soon to arrive godson, a Dino Hoodie! 

Getting my creativity out today was what I needed and it helped me tap into ME again. Looking forward to tomorrow, goodnight.

**Edited to share part of all of my list**

Current and Future Goals and Dreams
  • Be more active, outdoors
  • Take a more active role in the gardening
  • Make even more from scratch, more non-processed
  • eliminate sugar from my diet
  • try a month gluten free and see how I feel
  • Increase my blogging skills, extremely!
  • Love more
  • Never get cancer (stole that one from Moorea, ;) but really it is something I have said out loud many a times!!! True story)
  • Listen and play more music
  • Devote more time to yoga
  • Learn more about tarot cards and astrology
  • De-clutter my life... What serves me? What doesn't?
  • Expand my collection of rocks and gemstones, learn more about them
  • Photo shoot dreams of vintage love <3
  • Talk to people more
  • Being less afraid of taking the leaps in expanding Gypsy Tent Sisters
  • Expand Gypsy Tent Sisters with Stacy
  • Buy oils! Something I have really been wanting, but haven't had the extra cash. I want to learn more about oils too! 
  • Grow more herbs that I do. Dry more of my herbs. Find more ways to incorporate herbs/plants in my life medicinally speaking. :)
  • Continue omitting hate from my life
  • Work harder on my connection to spirit
  • read more
  • camp more
  • Goal- Follow my dreams!! 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

This Weekend

It's been a beautiful weekend. Didn't get to see too much of the sky last night like I wanted. I had to stay up until 12:30 when the clouds allowed me a glimpse of the beautiful moon! All night the cloudy sky was glowing a beautiful indigo blue! It was very beautiful, but I was longing for the moon, which was in Leo. Where it was when I was born.
The late night picture I took standing under my tree
I am slowly learning more about this magical world and it's many connections we share with it and each other. Last night I put my gemstones out to charge under the moon. I'm hoping for some clearer skies tonight!

Hop on over and check out this weeks finds, on Gypsy Tent Sisters Blog.  <3


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Women, be proud!

This week for Moorea Seal's List the theme was to list the things you should be proud of! As I was reading her post I was getting a little nervous. She had listed things I was afraid of! Dealing with death especially. I recently lost my mom to a long battle with cancer and I'm still having a hard time releasing a lot of emotions. It's too raw still and I'm okay with the time I spend focusing and not focusing on it. It suits me and where I am right now. 

Anyway after staring at my paper for a while I began. I'm sure this list could've turned out very different if I had done it another time, but I knew the next couple of days would be keeping me pretty busy and tonight some singing bowls on You-Tube and this list were calling my name. Here's my list, it's a little hard to read so I'm going to type it out too for those that are following along. I know I've really enjoyed reading the lists of other bloggers that are participating! 

I just started this blog, so please follow if you like any of my posts! <3

  • I hand-make
  • i support local businesses, artists, and markets
  • I don't waste a lot... repurpose countless items, love hand me downs, use up all my veggies/food, compost, don't buy or spend minimally
  • I took care of my mom til the last breath and loved.on.her. <3
  • I started learning self-sufficiency skills at an early age
  • I'm proud of my kitchen and the food I cook and bake in it daily
  • I quit my job to move to Maui for three months
  • I lived in Maui for three months!
  • I'm compassionate
  • I love.
  • I was always the nice kid in school and now I'm still kind to all I meet
  • I don't eat animals
  • I have a bachelors degree...mixed proud feelings about that one
  • I quit my job to move to the desert and start working for myself
  • The home I continue to create with my husband
  • The courage to stay true to myself and not worry about being judged
  • I don't hold grudges, I forgive easily
  • The amount of hate I have let go of in my life
  • I'm good at taking care of people
  • I'm proud of how I make my living
and a couple more I want to add!
  • Being a woman! 
  • I'm so proud of the journey I'm on and the people I am connecting with!
It's pretty late here and I think I'm going to leave it at that. Please comment if you'd like to hear more about any of the things I'm proud of! Is anything on my list something that you'd list too??

Monday, January 21, 2013

New Feature: Friday Finds

My sister and I spend fridays together. We spend them thrifting, crafting, and finishing each others sentences.  We have a blog and an online shop too! Oh yes, and a facebook page. Today we started a new feature called, Friday Finds! So hop on over and check it out <3

Gypsy Crossings is my new blog. Please follow along if you like my previous posts! <3

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Perfectly, imperfect!

Saturday was my perfect day. Woke up to beautiful, sunny weather. A quick trip to the wonderful Joshua Tree Farmers Market turned into an extra stop to buy soil and then over to my favorite local place, Sky Village Swap Meet! The website does it absolutely no justice. This place is magic. I have found so many treasures there. The grounds are magical and worth the trip alone!  Lots of local art, gems, a crystal cave, and wonderful people to meet. A few of my findings <3

A book I had been seeking for a while and a top. This book was my favorite used item I purchased in 2012.

From this last visit! Learning all about rocks and minerals right now with my husband <3 We  talked to someone for a good 30 minutes and left with this after admiring his huge collection!
So yes, saturday started out great! I came home did some stuff and then I got sad. I missed my mom (she's passed) I was remembering her here with me, but that made me sad too. I cried, wished for more, then gave myself a hug and decided to go out and rock collect! Inspired by my time at the swap meet, maybe. :) The fresh air was so nice and peaceful. I did a lot of thinking and I realized I didn't want to run away from the thoughts I was having. I am, however, sick and tired of being sad over them! I long for comforting memories instead of sicky ones of my mom. They always creep in and I feel lost with what to do with them. Satuday as I walked, I realized that I had talked on the phone that day with people I love, spent the morning at places I enjoy,  and was remembering that I got to share this place with her too. That I am happy and everything just IS. I can focus on the things that need change in my life and I can accept everything else as I see fit. I must be true to myself and love myself. Self-love has been a new theme of mine lately and I am starting to see it heal me in unexpected ways. 

I woke up early this morning and decided to garage sale! So I set out at 7:30 for a sunday morning date with myself. I was a blast! Found these at the first sale. 

Hamilton Beach Milkshake Mixer and an old water canteen
Ended up going by the swap meet after I was done and found a couple more treasures. I've spent the rest of the day at home bringing some old treasures back to life! I love to repurpose!!! Here are the some of the supplies I was working with today. It was so sunny and nice, I worked outside!

I hope you have had a perfectly imperfect weekend as well. Love, love, love to you! My inspiration for this post was to remind myself that I am perfectly fine with all of me. The sad parts too. They are all perfectly fine <3

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


It was so comforting to sit and think about all of the things that bring me comfort as I listed them. I am definitely feeling the impact of making these lists already! I know at the end of the year I will be glad to have them to look back on. Here is my list for week two of Moorea Seal's 52 Lists!

There were definitely a few that really excited me as I thought of them. Camping for sure. I just love that feeling of being outdoors when it starts to feel like you just live there! Cooking over a fire, using the bare essentials and you are totally surrounded by nature. I just love it! I love living in the beautiful California desert, my surroundings comfort me. The smells, the colors in the sky, the landscape... Knowing the people I buy my food from kinda surprised me as I wrote it. It makes so much sense though! Seeing the care and pride these people carry with them and their product. I appreciate this so much. I love the feeling of cooking and it wouldn't be the same if the food I was buying didn't come from the same source. Every day when I use my cutting board to chop fruits and vegetables I appreciate them and I think about where they came from. It makes me smile. When I break up walnuts to use in baking I think of my friend Marco who sells them at the Farmers Market who I can never see without talking to for less than five minutes. When I roll out dough for tortillas, I feel the love going in them and I thoughtfully smile because I no longer buy tortillas at the store. When I smell bread cooking I don't get impatient waiting. I take a deep breath and appreciate the process of making bread and love that I buy it at the store less and less these days. My kitchen, food, and the outdoors bring me a lot of comfort and I love that!

Monday, January 14, 2013


Here we go! I was introduced to Moorea Seal's 52 Lists while reading Aquarian Soul's blog last week. I immediately was intrigued because a big goal of mine for 2013 is to get more organized and slowing down... I'm always in a rush! I make a lot of lists, although half of them I lose or forget about. This is going to be a fun way to organize the year and look back on my 52 lists! Each week Moorea Seal will be sharing a new list for readers to partake in!

Since I just started this blog, I also thought this would be a great way to reach out and find people that are walking their path. I'm looking for others to connect with for insight and growth along the way. 

Here is my list. Words That Touch My Soul....

Thanks for stopping by! Please come back. I will be posting regularly!