

Monday, January 14, 2013


Here we go! I was introduced to Moorea Seal's 52 Lists while reading Aquarian Soul's blog last week. I immediately was intrigued because a big goal of mine for 2013 is to get more organized and slowing down... I'm always in a rush! I make a lot of lists, although half of them I lose or forget about. This is going to be a fun way to organize the year and look back on my 52 lists! Each week Moorea Seal will be sharing a new list for readers to partake in!

Since I just started this blog, I also thought this would be a great way to reach out and find people that are walking their path. I'm looking for others to connect with for insight and growth along the way. 

Here is my list. Words That Touch My Soul....

Thanks for stopping by! Please come back. I will be posting regularly!


  1. I see so many beautiful words in that list. <3 I love that LOVE is capitalized. I truly with all my heart believe love is the most important thing.

    Your new blog is beautiful and I hope to follow you as you continue your new adventure in blogging!

    1. Thank you for the sweet comment! I also realized I wrote the word compassion twice! Something I am aware of every day. Always with compassion... <3

  2. Ooh so many lovely words <3
    xo Moorea
