I miss this blog! I miss having a computer at my fingertips to type up these words. I came to the library today and borrowed my husbands computer. At the beginning of the month my computer crashed and we had a change with our internet service. So not internet, no computer and no patience for blogging from my phone. Although, I'm thinking I will have to adapt and start blogging more from it.
Along with these changes I have felt like some sort of control has left my life. A control I had that now is gone. Part of my daily routine has been disrupted. I had a talk with a friend this week and we were discussing the difference between accepting something and owning something. I accept the things that I might not like in life. Right now I am talking about my computer crashing but there is so much more, deeper acceptances I've made in my life. The choices I've made that have made life more difficult or the situations I have been in and how they have affected me. I accept.
I also need to own! Own these things, admit them to myself. Admit my shortcomings and the role I play. I own the fact that I am not blogging from my phone. I own the fact that I can work harder than I do. I can't just accept it. By owning it I aim to change the situation at hand. If I don't own up to it, if I just accept it then I won't be able to improve. I won't see that the change is possible. Anyway, I hope I'm not rambling.
I plan on sharing a post from my phone soon. I have been taking pictures of my garden and I'm dying to blog about it! My husband has impressed me this season more than ever before. I am in love with my backyard <3 You will be too when you see the bounty that is growing!!
Two last things...
*I'm sad that I haven't been sharing my lists for Moorea Seal's 52 Lists. But I understand and own that it is not because my computer crashed. It's because I haven't had the time or energy to dedicate to sharing from my phone. And I'm okay with that! :) I am participating still, on my own and I just love these lists <3
*Check out the link ----> Desert Spirit. My sister and I had our first desert shoot, well our first shoot period! Our amazingly talented friends Joe+Kathrina photographed everything and wrote about the day on their blog! So go check it out! We are very excited for these photos and to share all the we have been up to!
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